Products Range |
Constant Voltage Transformer
In an Elent CVT, the AC mains powers the input winding which is widely separated physically from the isolated output winding. The input winding normally runs at very moderate Flux linkage levels. The output winding exhibits an intrinsic energy characteristic and this energy storage operates in conjunction with mains capacitor to produce self-generated AC flux field which is indirectly excited from the input winding. read more  |
Offline UPS (E-Series | Pro-Series)
Based on state-of-the-art technology, the Series E UPS systems protect your computers by providing only regulated AC mains voltage. The Series E UPS range has various models to provide back-up power stretching from 10 minutes to 4 hours depending on the connected external battery bank. read more  |
On-line UPS (PS/3-Series UPS | Eco-Series UPS | Max-Series UPS)
True On-Line Double Conversion type UPS, Pure Sinewave output Overload and output short circuit protection. Suitable for all types and capacities of batteries, Smooth and silent operation. Compatible with the intelligent data protection package. read more  |
Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizers
Output A.C Voltage correction for wide input variations. Auto/manual operation facility, Under-voltage and over-voltage cut-out arrangement. Voltmeter with facility to read input or output voltage, M.C.B. on input circuit. read more  |
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UPS Systems, UPS Power Systems, UPS Manufacturer, Online UPS, Offline UPS, UPS Supplier, UPS Manufacturer in India,CVT (Constant Voltage Transformer), Transformer Manufacturer, CVT Manufacturer, CVT Supplier/Distributor in India, Electronic Componenet Supplier,ISO 9001 Certified Company,Indian Supplier, Isolation Transformers from Indian Manufacturers, SCVS, Servo Controlled Voltage Stabiliser, CVT, Controlled Voltage Transformers, Elent India, Elent enterprises, Elent Electronics